Thursday, May 21, 2009


Last week we had a police officer come and talk with the boys about safety but the time I remembered to pull out ny camera half of the boys had gone home and the car ride around the parking lot was over. Oh, well.
This is how Karley keeps were self busy during scouts. She plays with all the babies that come.
A few weeks ago was the rain gutter races. Caden decided to race Jacob's boat for him (since Jacob had a baseball game that night that only nine player were at so he couldn't leave.) I brought Jakes boat in thrid place. Way to go kid!!!
Ya, it took more then just a lot of hot air to get the boat to float just right. You can see Caden's boat start to tip here because he isn't blowing just right.
Scouts is almost over and while I am so excited to have the summer off I can't believe the year went by so fast.

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