Sunday, November 9, 2008

Halloween Fun

Since Halloween Karley has wanted to wear this duck towel everyday. I don't know if it's the "dressing up" of Halloween or our new love of animals that has sparked this costume choice.
Our Ward Trunk-or Treat party was on Nov. 1st the day after Halloween so between grandma party, regular Halloween and a party the next night we had LOTS of "treating." At our ward party the kids got to play games in different rooms in the building. One of the games was to toss a ball into a cup and win a goldfish. So we now own 2 Goldfish. That was all I could handle. I don't do pets. I have a hard enough time cleaning up after three kids I don't need to add to the work load. I did agree however to give the goldfish a try and can I tell you we have unleashed a monster. Not from Jacob or Caden who so far take good care of their fish. (I am sure the novelty will wear off soon.) Karley I have recently discovered has a animal oppsession. The girl is crazy about animals. Just this week our family went out to eat at Claimjumper. The night was going well until Karley discovered that hanging on the wall were two animal heads. One moose and one deer. As soon as she saw them she wanted to "touch it." Until this point I have to say that she has never thrown a tantrumn but that night all _ _ _ _broke loose and the worst tantrum I have seen was unleashed. Needless to say we left the resturant without finishing our meal.
Caden and his new Goldfish Spike. Yes I gave in to a pet.
Caden, Jacob and Karley on Halloween. I think my boys were more excited about the weapons then theye were about their costumes
What is it with boys and Video games.
Karely our little tap dancer. After three Halloween parties she know exactly what to do for trick-or treating.
Jacob, Mat, Karley,Caden and Drew before Trick-or-treating. Johanna and I took the kids around the neighborhood while Paul and Colby stayed at the house to scare the kids. Mat and Karley didn't last long but Jake, Drew and Caden walked until Drew couldn't walk any more and had to be carried the rest of the way home. (One whole house.)