Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lost My Camera

Sorry I haven't update anything lately. We have done so much that I was hoping to get posted but I can't find my camera. We recarpeted our upstairs this week and in all the moving I can't seem to figure out what I did with my camera. It makes me sad. I didn't get many pictures of the moving and how crowded our downstairs was with everything packed into it. I am also sad that I didn't get pictures of one of my brother-n-laws face after he had my boys bunk beds fall on it. The cut on the eye made the black eye he already had from a church basketball game look even worse. ( Don't worry he's okay.) I also didn't get any pictures of the window that we had to replace after our matress went through it. (long story) Yes, moving all our stuff was quite a job this week. You can imagine why I didn't want anyone getting on a ladder in my garage to put some stuff up in the attic. After everything else that had already happened, I could just see someone falling off the ladder and breaking there back. On another note I just have to brag about Colby for a minute. On Tuesday he had to take a qualifying test for ConocoPhillips. Not only did he pass this oral exam, but the guy who gave Colby the test asked him who had taught him or what he had studied because he had never tested anyone who knew so much after only a few month of working there. Way To Go Colby!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats to Colby. Hope things got better with the carpet install. We missed you guys on Wednesday. I'll call you when we come down again.