Thursday, September 3, 2009

Jacob and Karley's Medical news

Jacob and Karley both have new medical news. Jacob had to have an upper GI a few weeks ago (I forgot to take pictures.) Then yesterday he had to have an endoscopy procedure. Long story short he had EOSINOPHILIC ESOPHAGITIS. His esophagus is narrowing do to a build up of white blood cells. The WBC are there trying to fight an "allergy" to dairy products. This has also caused GERD. That's when the bile from the intestine is coming back into the stomach causeing ulcers. Poor kids got a diet restriction list a mile long. He seens to be Okay with the limitations so far. We'll see how he feels about it in a few weeks. Colby and Karley waiting for Jacob to be done.
Jacob waiting in the surgery room for the doctor to come do his test.
After he was done but the sedation hadn't completely warn off yet. He promised the nurse that this would he the last time he "got hi."
Karley at her doctor's apt. waiting to show the doctor her " jelly jar"
Just above Karley's navel is a hernia that she will have to have surgery to repair. Colby says that this picture looks like she has an allien coming out of her tummy.


Anonymous said...

Wow. So was all of Jake's stuff from the milk allergy? The Asthma and the choking? I bet it's nice to have some answers. Hopefully they are the right answers.

Hope Karley does well with her surgery & recovery.

Michelle Campbell said...

Poor sweet kids! I LOVE the pics though. They look so cute in the hospital get up. Finally answers to the choking thing. Yay! Maybe I need that so I have a very restricted diet! haha. jk. Let us know how Karley does. Love and miss you guys!